Sunday, February 10, 2008

Suspicious Vehicles Oakdale

I called 911 concerning a suspicious car, Grey? Maxima lic. WSL-6061, that was parked on Oakdale Commons just past midnight. This car drove off, exiting the development with it's lights off and then returned minutes later.

I tried to confront them (2-Black males) near 2811 Oakdale Pasture and they drove off again. They met up with another vehicle, Reddish/Purple? Ford Taurus lic. WXE-9141 (light skinned black male under 5 1/2 foot tall) on Oakdale near Oakdale Middle School.

The officers that arrived confirmed that these two cars "most likely" did not belong based upon their registration info. I certainly believe the Maxima was casing one our homes. Please keep an eye out for these cars, Nissan Maxima & Ford Taurus, and call 911.

William Watkins
2412 Oakdale Creek Lane

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