Monday, January 3, 2011

Mecklenburg County Property Tax Revaluation Meeting Set for Jan. 10

Mecklenburg County plans to roll out new property valuations that will see changes in property taxes paid by the county's 280,000 property owners.

According to the Charlotte Observer, one of the areas where property appreciated in value far more than the county average since 2003 is Mountain Isalnd Lake.

There is a meeting set for Jan. 10 at 6:30 p.m. in the Cornelius Town Hall, 21445 Catawba Ave., for District 1 residents to get information on how much their taxes might be going up.

Charlotte Observer: Homicide Cluster Northwest of Uptown

While Charlotte and the nation continued to report falling violent crime in 2010, a pocket of older neighborhoods northwest of uptown had an unsettling spike in killings.

Nearly a third of the 59 homicides in Charlotte-Mecklenburg last year happened in a cluster of poor and working-class neighborhoods that are battling drug traffic, gun violence and gangs.

Read more:

There is also a map showing locations and details of these crimes.